Matt and Renee:
Phone: 1-877-630-0853
Our LDS-FS Website

Case Worker:
Edward van Gass
Cell: (603) 320-0103

LDS Family Services
Phone: (603) 889-0148
Toll Free: 1-800-735-0149

Jaeden absolutely LOVES life! He is a cheerful, and happy boy who is not afraid to have fun. He laughs all the time. In fact, Matthew's favorite thing about Jaeden is that when he wants daddy's attention, he'll walk into the room and start to laugh! Dad can't resist playing with him when he does that, and Jaeden knows it. Renee loves that Jaeden is always willing to give hugs and cuddle with people.

His personality is made obvious when we walk into a room. The first thing he'll say (very loudly) is "PEOPLE!" He'll then proceed to look for everyone he knows and then shout out "hi" to each and every one. He is a people person through and through. He is also so good with his friends. He has many girl friends (plus a guy friend or two) and he is so sweet to them, and loves to play with them, and laugh with them.

Jaeden also loves animals, and spends a lot of his time playing with the chickens in the back yard. He has lots of stuffed animals and he loves to watch any movies (like Finding Nemo) that have lots of animals in them. He is so excited to have a younger sibling, and he will be a wonderful older brother. We have no doubt that as the oldest he'll serve as the protector of all of his younger siblings. We love Jaeden, and he has plenty of room to love a younger sibling!